William Harvey Hospital - Intensive Treatment Unit

Case Study

William Harvey Hospital - Intensive Treatment Unit

MMC categories used:

_ Category 1: Two Storey Hybrid Volumetric: Type c. Structural chassis, fitout, and external cladding / roofing complete. First fix M&E containment installed within the factory.

_ Category 2: External 2d steel wall frames manufactured offsite as part of the volumetric modules.

_ Category 3: Pre-assembled staircases delivered within modules and hinged drop-down systems.

_ Category 5: Aluminium bridge system utilised to accommodate all external services.

_Category 6: Prefinished cladding systems to 95% of externals.

_Category 7: As-completed drone survey. Timelapse camera.

Pre-Manufactured Value 69%

A 24-Bed Intensive Treatment Unit (ITU), was delivered to meet the increasing demand for specialist facilities to treat the most critically ill patients.

Following MTX’s successful delivery of four new theatres in the neighbouring Kent and Canterbury Hospital, the Trust collaborated with us once again and chose the MMC approach to deliver a long-term solution to the area’s critical care bed shortage, in the quickest possible time.

Built across two storeys, MTX delivered a new ITU, split into four independent areas, comprising four bed positions and two isolation rooms in each, two dedicated separate plant rooms and ancillary accommodation.The facility needed to link into the first floor of the hospital in three separate locations to allow for smooth level access from other upper floor ward areas. To achieve this, a steel transfer deck was constructed with a traditional 250mm rib deck slab, meeting all HTM/HBN regulations.

The facility is exceptional, and I am sure it will make a significant difference to the Trust and their ability to care for very unwell patients. It has not been an easy project and MTX should all be proud of the part they have played in delivering the scheme. The teamwork over the last few months has been particularly positive.

Harry Pluckrose – Partner for Gardiner & Theobald

Key Facts

Client: East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust

Construction Period: 54 weeks

Size: 3,014m2