Case Study
Royal Bolton Hospital - Operating Theatres
MMC Categories used:
Category 1: Two Storey hybrid volumetric: Type b, structural chassis, and internal fitout. Type C, structural chassis, fitted out including external cladding, windows and roof waterproofing.
Category 5: Reception desk assemblies, pre-hung door sets, large format M&E skids, Pre-fabricated valves and IPS panels.
Pre-Manufactured Value 73%
MTX were initially awarded the contract to deliver two new theatres at Royal Bolton Hospital to enhance patient care and help minimise the backlog of surgeries resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. However, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust identified the need for four new theatres and the refurbishment of existing day-case theatres to create a bespoke day case paediatrics theatre hub.
The first two theatres were already well advanced before MTX began construction of the first floor extension to the initial single storey development – to create a total of four new theatres with ward accommodation and dedicated plant rooms
Building on top of the initial construction required a complex and innovative programme to ensure the integrity of the ground floor was not compromised, along with careful management of introducing more than 50 additional structural steel modules on top of almost 140 already in place to create the ground floor.
Making optimum use of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) principles, MTX used off-site manufactured structural steel units and mechanical and electrical modules assembled on site to streamline delivery of the new facilities. The new theatres will provide enhanced capacity for both Bolton and Greater Manchester and help to drive down waiting lists in the city-region.
Being able to increase the capacity of our theatres will enable us to provide even better patient experience
and help us to tackle the backlog of elective waiting lists throughout Bolton and Greater Manchester.
Annette Walker, Director of Finance at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
Key Facts
Client: Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
Construction Period: Phase 1 - 87 weeks; Phase 2 - 47 weeks
Size: Phase 1 - 1820m; Phase 2 - 1600m2