Case Study
Yeovil District Hospital - General Surgery Operating Theatre
MMC Categories used:
_Category 1: Two Storey hybrid volumetric: Type b, structural chassis, and internal fitout. Type C, structural chassis, fitted out including external cladding, windows and roof waterproofing.
_Category 5: Reception desk assemblies, pre-hung door sets, large format M&E skids, Pre-fabricated valves and IPS panels.
_Category 6: Pre sized and precut external wall cladding
_Category 7: Monthly 3d photographic progress surveys
Pre-Manufactured Value 71%
Modern Methods of Construction have enabled MTX to achieve faster and more efficient completion of a new general surgery operating theatre at Yeovil District Hospital. The single storey unit includes the theatre suite with recovery rooms, reception and waiting areas, office space and a dedicated staff facility.
Offsite fabricated steel sections of the external shell were craned into position on the prepared site of a former car park at the hospital before concrete screed floors and premanufactured walls were installed. Once the single storey structure was complete, the MTX team began installation of mechanical, electrical and plumbing elements, and fitting out including furniture and specialised equipment.
A plant equipment enclosure located on top of the building accommodates air handling units and electrical supply panels to serve the self-contained 420m² building within the original footprint. The new theatre will principally help reduce waiting times for patients needing day-surgery procedures; – breast surgery, dermatology, plastic surgery and other general surgery.
We’re so pleased to have opened our new day theatre, which means our team of surgeons can perform many more operations at Yeovil. With the day theatre located away from the main hospital building, it has freed up space in our main hospital theatres for the more complex procedures, helping us to reduce the waiting times for patients across Somerset who need operations.
Caroline Osborne, Consultant, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Key Facts
Client: Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Construction Period: 47 weeks
Size: 420m2