MTX are extremely proud to announce their success in securing a place on the London Procurement Partnership (LPP) National Framework Agreement for Medium Value Construction Works.

This is MTX’s third framework win this year following previous successes on the NHS Shared Business Services and LHC Modular Buildings frameworks.

The LPP framework, in collaboration with Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, included a number of lots in which bidders could tender for, split into different sections across the UK. These included Modular Buildings, Acute Environmental Works and Mental Health Environmental Works.

MTX were successful on a number of these lots following a fair and open competition across the modular and traditional construction sector.

David Hartley, Managing Director of MTX said: “MTX are proud to have secured a place on the LPP’s National Framework Agreement for Medium Value Construction Works and this streamlined procurement route will support the healthcare sector in meeting their ever increasing demands. As one of the UK’s leading providers of bespoke modular healthcare buildings, we are excited about working with new and existing clients to provide state of the art clinical facilities in the form of semi-permanent and permanent buildings.”

LPP official 2017 logo