MTX win twin theatre job at Wrexham Maelor Hospital

Following the successful delivery of a modular Operating Theatre to Wrexham Maelor Hospital in 2012, MTX were awarded the contract to deliver a modular Twin Theatre with Endoscopy Facilities.

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board had a requirement to extend the current operating facilities for Wrexham Maelor Hospital. The project consists of twin Operating Theatres and an Endoscopy Treatment Area with first floor plant room linking into the existing hospital street. The project will have pad foundations to suit the ground conditions and a concrete floor to comply with HTM-08:01 response factors.

MTX are scheduled to start onsite on 22nd January 2018 and will be working alongside Architects IBI Group, Consulting Engineers DSSR and Structural Engineers ICIS Design Ltd. The project is due to be completed summer 2018.