Royal Bolton Hospital Urology Department

In September 2018 MTX were successfully awarded the contract to provide Royal Bolton Hospital with a new build modular Urology Department.

Working for iFM Bolton, MTX have designed and manufactured a single storey external standalone modular facility, to house an operating theatre, ancillary areas, 4 bed recovery, consulting rooms, reception, waiting area, toilets and offices.

To take advantage of offsite modular construction and to achieve full HTM response factor compliance our groundworks solution was designed using both pad foundations to accommodate modules installed with cement particle board flooring and a concrete slab foundation to accept floorless modules within the operating theatre area.

MTX deliver a new Modular Urology Department

The building was installed during the first week of November over a 4 day period and comprises 27 modules providing an overall 900m² of space. The modules were installed with our Isoclad cladding system already completed within the factory leaving only bay joints to be completed on site.  The new facility is connected to the existing hospital circulation corridors via a modular link way. It is located on an old car park at the rear of the hospital, by the existing maternity unit.

MTX are currently working with our supply chain on the internal fit out of the development including completion of 1st fix M&E installation along with finishes. The partitions within the building were again completed within the factory with the majority of the partitions being a pre-finished system. Programme is on target and scheduled to be completed including full commissioning in February 2019.