Glenfield Hospital Modular Wards

MTX to construct a multi-million pound ward project to Leicester’s Glenfield Hospital providing 52 acute beds and a 12 bed renal ward.

Following a demanding and fast-track pre-construction stage, MTX have been awarded a multi-million pound project to construct modular wards at Glenfield Hospital.

Modular ward accommodation project

The University Hospitals of Leicester NHS have a requirement to develop their existing site to create a new renal ward department at Glenfield Hospital. This work is integral to the trusts wider plans to further develop the City’s hospitals.

Offsite bespoke construction

MTX will provide a bespoke off-site solution which will be sited on top of the current hospital. To facilitate access two passenger lifts will be provided to transport patients from the existing hospital street to the new roof top facility. The new scheme will incorporate a 12 bed Renal Transplant Unit (RTU) and Hepato Pancreto Bilary Wards (HPB). The HPB will consist of a 24 bed Emergency Admissions Unit (EAU) and a 28 bed Elective Care Unit (ECU). It will also encompass a Nurse Base serving each ward, toilets, patient shower rooms, ancillary accommodation, an escape staircase serving each ward and 2 plantrooms equipped with specialist R.O Plant; necessary for patients receiving dialysis. An existing Estates Workshop on the ground floor was identified to be refurbished to house the R.O pipework.

MTX are working in conjunction with their architectural partners IBI Group, consulting engineers DSSR and structural engineers Rossi Long to design a facility that will utilise the maximum space available on such a busy and condensed site. Enabling works have commenced onsite and practical completion is due early 2020.