MTX install 2 storey ward for The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust

MTX have been awarded the contract to provide Russells Hall Hospital in Dudley with a new ward block, utilising Modern Methods of Construction.

The new ward block will be a 2 storey state of art building with 2 new lifts and will connect into the existing hospital building via new purpose-built link corridors at both levels.

The ground floor will house 6no 4 bed wards and 6 single bed rooms alongside dedicated ancillary such as staff bases and clean and dirty utility.

The first floor will comprise of 4no 8 bed assessment units, pharmacy, male and female change and other necessary ancillary areas.

Site establishment has been achieved and the onsite MTX Team are currently overseeing the delivery and install of 72 volumetric units.  Practical completion is due spring 2021.