Archbishop Blesses New Modular Critical Care Unit at William Harvey Hospital

We (MTX) were recently honoured to have The Archbishop of Canterbury, Most Rev Justin Welby, bless the new critical care unit that we are building at the William Harvey Hospital in Ashford, during his visit which took place last month.

Funded by £14 million national NHS investment, the significantly expanded unit will benefit patients and staff - designed to provide the hospital’s sickest patients with the very best care and experience, shaped by learning from the Covid pandemic. It will also include new treatment areas for adults and children and improved waiting areas and staff facilities.

Blessing the ‘extraordinary new unit’ the Archbishop also prayed for the staff who “give nights days and weekends, Christmases and holidays, to work and serve there.”

Tracey Fletcher, East Kent Hospitals Chief Executive said: “The experience gained through the challenges of the pandemic has enabled our clinical teams to design and assist in delivering an outstanding new critical care unit and a major expansion of the emergency department that will significantly help us improve care for our patients.”