Hybrid welfare: MTX mixes modern and traditional

The £64 million Elective Orthopaedic Centre currently being built by MTX at Colchester Hospital is a milestone for Modern Methods of Construction.

The new three-storey 8,283sq m building is the biggest project of its kind in the UK and will be one of the largest facilities elective orthopaedic centres in Europe housing eight new dedicated operating theatres, with space for up to seventy-two beds, a reception area, and ancillary facilities.

In this feature Construction News Editor Colin Marrs looks at how the new centre is being built and examines the advantages offered by MMC to deliver outstanding new facilities for the NHS faster, safer, greener and more cost effectively.

Read the article here: https://www.constructionnews.co.uk/project-reports/hybrid-welfare-mtx-mixes-modern-and-traditional-25-08-2023/