MTX teams up with male cancer charity Ball Tampering Allowed

MTX has worked nationally for over two decades, serving the NHS with the construction of state-of-the-art healthcare environments. We are committed to delivering social value and ensuring we give something back. Whether by working with local schools to support career advice, offering work experience and apprenticeships, through employment of ex-service personnel, or more frequently, by supporting local and national charities.

We’re immensely proud of what we have achieved and will continue to achieve, but it has always been our ambition to be committed to a charity that we can call our own; working collaboratively and proactively alongside that cause rather than simply donating funds.

Nearly six years ago, we met cricket enthusiast, non-executive director and business advisor, Paul Ferriday. Little did we know at the time, but Paul was on a personal cancer journey which began in 2008 when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy followed, and despite challenges brought on by the chemotherapy and hormone changes, he remained in remission until 2019. Then, unexpectedly, he was informed his cancer had returned. Further surgery, chemotherapy and treatments followed, together with the removal of his remaining part-testicle and several lymph nodes.

In 2020, Paul received a further setback with the news that the cancer had spread into his abdominal cavity and was growing aggressively, necessitating life-saving surgery. In March 2021 he underwent a 9-hour operation to remove another aggressive seminoma group metastatic tumour, together with more lymph nodes.

Ironically, Paul’s surgeon later informed him that the primary tumour had grown to the size of a ‘cricket ball’ in a very short period and any delay in the surgery would likely have made it inoperable, due to the size and complexity of removal.

Incorporating a twist on the longstanding cricketing rule outlawing ball tampering, the idea was formed to combine his personal and professional network, together with his passion for both business and sport to establish a Men’s Health Cancer Awareness Networking Charity.

Six months ago, Paul approached MTX  to support him establishing the ‘Ball Tampering Allowed’ charity, along with his good friend Simon Burrows. MTX has been able to back Paul and Simon’s vision and, at the same time, fulfil our long term ambition of being involved in conjunction with our construction partners, in supporting a charity that would be integral to our business.

Ball Tampering Allowed aims to raise greater awareness amongst ‘lads and dads’ to reach out when faced with abnormal testicular lumps and bumps.

Our first charity luncheon takes place on 18th April 2024, and we plan to make it an annual event. Other events and activities will follow throughout the year, both locally and nationally, to raise much needed funds and promote cancer awareness in men.

According to Cancer Research UK, men are 40% more likely to die from cancer than women  and in males between the ages of 45 and 85, cancer is the single most common cause of death. However, stereotypically men are less likely to go to the doctor if they have early symptoms of cancer. This is something we want to change.

So, if you take one thing from this article; please remember…Ball tampering IS allowed!

David Hartley, Managing Director